Ego Is Not the Boss of Me!

Several years ago, I made a decision.  I was tired of the negative dialogue constantly running in my head and decided to take action.  The result amazed me.

As Light beings having a human experience, we have a choice in this world of duality… live in Love or in Fear.  Fear’s biggest cheerleader is the Ego.  Ego originally was created to take care of the physical body, and it is as ephemeral as the body.  It is constantly vigilant against dying.  Thus, the low, dense frequency of fear is created.

Love, on the other hand, is the highest frequency of Source Light.  There is no fear because the soul is eternal.  The “still, small voice” you may sometimes hear is that of your highest self, or “KA,” as the ancient Egyptians called it.  But that voice is often drowned out by the cacophony of egoic, fear-based rhetoric.

When that happens, your Ego has decided to become the Boss and wants to control your mind.  Don’t let it.  The law of attraction suggests that you create your strongest thoughts.  Why would you want to create your worst fears?  People do it all the time.

I knew a man whose father had died at a young age.  Frank was fearfully obsessed with dying young. To combat it, he exercised, played sports, lived a virtuous lifestyle and made sure he got regular medical examinations.  He was in top form until he developed aggressive leukemia that could not be stopped, although he struggled valiantly to try.  Frank left a wife and two young children, just like his father had.  Was it genetic? His father died of a heart attack.  The fearful ego was allowed to boss him around and the body died anyway.  How sad.

I use this example of how fear can manipulate and control yet never achieve a desired outcome. What good does it do to have Fear/Ego run your life?  Ego runs the same old programs that keep you from living fully and freely in the present.  When not fearing death, it loves to pick on you, telling you how helpless, stupid, ugly, fat, skinny, awkward, socially inept you are.  It drones on and on continuously, much like cable news networks. It keeps you awake at night. Is that any way to LIVE?

Here’s what I did one day in a moment of desperation.

I built my ego a throne.

Yes, I created a beautiful, solid gold throne, studded with diamonds, emeralds, rubies and sapphires and draped in thick, soft purple velvet. And a footstool to match.  I placed this glorious throne in a large chamber, decorated with the finest furnishings and walls encrusted with sparkling crystals. I made it as inviting as possible for my materialistic ego. Then I went to get her.

I found her in my mind, busily reading a list of things I had done wrong since oversleeping that morning.

I said, “My Dear Ego, you are in charge of the body, so I have built you a beautiful place to reign over your domain. Come with me, and see how incredible it is!”  She looked at me warily.  “Why should I come with you?”

“Because,” I answered, “you are finally getting the recognition you deserve, and a rightful place to be in charge.  I honor you for keeping me aware that I am hungry or full, sleepy or hyperactive, cold or hot, or in pain.  I honor you for using my body to teach me to feel pleasure and letting me know when it needs exercise.  This throne was built especially for you and has everything you adore.  Come with me.”

Reluctantly, she left the mind and followed me to the solar plexus, where I had placed the throne room.

“See? It is magnificent and exquisite, just like you.  Sit down, try it out.  I have an ermine cape for you to wear and a gold scepter to hold. Rule over the body. It is your realm.”
As she circled the throne, I could see her eyes sparkle.  When she reached down to feel the velvet draping, I knew I’d made the sale.  Finally, allowing the cape to be placed on her shoulders, she settled into the chair and assumed a regal posture.  She began to reign over the body.

Then, for the first time in ages, my mind was silent.  There was no chatter, there was nothing. Beautiful, sacred silence. And in that silence, I heard the still, small voice of Love.  I invited my highest self to occupy my mind and help me to embody Love and felt my central column of Light expand to accommodate it.  I was at peace and in Love.

Since that day, I have had encounters with my ego desiring a return to controlling my thoughts.  Whenever she wanders away from the throne room, I steer her back, reminding her of her duties and how much I rely on her to keep my body safe and alive.  She doesn’t protest much.  She really likes being in charge.

Creating a place for your ego to do its job is not difficult.  You don’t have to have intense visualization skills, although it helps.  Just set an intention to create a beautiful, luxurious place that would appeal to your baser needs.  Direct your ego to this place and watch what happens.

Here’s to silence.