This is the article I wrote for the Pathfinder newsletter, which was published in the May/June 2015 issue.

With the tremendous shift in energies that began during the first quarter of 2015, many of us are experiencing general malaise, old fears resurfacing, or are frustrated because we cannot seem to manifest what we need. With our minds racing from one thought to another, we may have trouble sleeping. Perhaps we should stop and ask, “Am I entirely present in my body?”

Stress, fear, frustration and an obsession with cellular technology are primary causes of a dis-association with the body.  People get caught up in the thought process of the mental body, allowing their energetic vibrations to resonate with microwaves, radio and cell towers.  When living a life in the head and not the heart, the lower chakras close down and a person can literally feel unmoored or rootless.  Nothing seems to get accomplished and the sense of self is compromised.
To get grounded, the placement of crystals or stones on the body can assist in reconnecting to the earth and to the heart.

What are the best crystals or stones to use for getting reconnected?

Every body is different, but I find consistencies among what I reach for to ground, calm, open the heart, or bust out energetic blockages. You can use whatever stone resonates with your energetic needs.

  • Grounding stones: Smoky Quartz, Obsidian, Hematite, Petrified Wood
  • Calming stones: Lepidolite, Black Tourmaline, Infinite, Atlantisite (Stitchite in Serpentine)
  • Heart opening: Rose Quartz, Aquamarine, Dioptase, Kunzite,
  • Energy Block busters: Moldavite, Tibetan quartz, Kyanite, Crocoite

If your energy is feeling stuck, use raw copper to regulate the flow.  Copper conducts electricity and will help move energy around. Stones with predominant amounts of copper in them are also good for clearing an energy backup.  These stones are usually deep blue, green, or a combination of both colors.

When I’m feeling run down, I like to make a grid alternating 12 black tourmaline and 12 clear quartz points and lie down in it.  If the quartz points are turned in, it helps to refuel your energy tank.  The opposite is true if the points are turning outward, but that can be a good thing if you are really stressed out and have hyper amounts of energy upsetting the body’s natural electromagnetic flow!

If you feel that you are already present in your body but need more focus or clarity to manifest your desires, try meditating with a clear Quartz crystal or Rainbow Fluorite in your non-dominant hand.  Ask the crystal for guidance, drop into your still point and wait.  The answer will come through in whatever way you receive – hearing, seeing, feeling, or some combination of the three.

Our crystal and stone friends come with the Earth’s frequency as their default setting.  Using one or more of these Earth-based allies to assist in grounding, clearing, releasing and renewing is an easy, non-invasive way to approach physical dis-ease.

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